Advertising ID - Declaration for Android 13(API 33), when and how to submit it.

Advertising ID - Declaration for Android 13(API 33), when and how to submit it.

Apps that use advertising ID and target Android 13 or later must declare the permission in their app manifest. 

You would had come accross this message while trying to upload your app on PlayStore and submitting for review.

You'll need to select the option as YES, if you've selected Google Ads integration or any other library also which indirectly imports the permission "" in AndroidManifest.xml file.

App Content -> Advertising Id -> Yes -> App Functionality / App Analytics / Advertising or marketing

In you app from if you've enabled Google AdMob or added Facebook Events or Social Login (Facebook) then you'll have to set it as yes.

In case of

  • Google AdMob - Advertising or marketing
  • Facebook Events - Analytics
  • Social Login (Facebook) - App functionality

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